SOPs or much needed growth?

Maarij Ahmed Khan
2 min readFeb 22, 2021

The pandemic has undoubtedly plagued the lives of many, and continues to be the menace of the year. After a completely indoorsy 2020, experts predict it was just 2020.0 and now comes 2020.1 (read: twenty twenty one). Lets take a big step back and observe this setback’s silver lining.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

I live in a densely populated city and if I were to travel back in time and notice a few concerning issues of the public, it’d be traffic. My city houses a big part of the job sector and the country’s youth travel far and wide to be here. Now coming back to the pandemic and noticing how that was aided with so many people working from home. In the start, productivity took a small hit but it eventually grew to a great choice of life.

Even when the pandemic fades, you can’t help but wonder how many jobs could be made remote for the interest of the public. In case if this concept is hard to grasp, there is a well known term called ‘Freelancing’ and that has allowed many professions to be achieved from the comfort of home. It started from the likes of graphic designing and content writing but today has evolved to professions of giving dating advices (freelance dating advisor, life consultant etc.)

“Freelancing gig work will grow in all sectors of the workforce — blue, grey and white-collar employees. The trend of digitization accelerated by COVID, resulting in increasing proportion of work-force working remotely, also will help in the growth of the freelancing economy.” — Shanu Malkani, Co-founder at IndusGuru Network Partners

This benefits our nation to become more progressive in the technology sector and makes us knowledgeable of futuristic industries to learn, grow and diversify in. It is our part to play in understanding growing trends, acknowledging diversification and accommodate to the future.

