Go for your next Goal with Gratitude!

Maarij Ahmed Khan
2 min readNov 28, 2022

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” — Bill Gates

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

It was a Sunday night. My blank page on my notebook was ready for me to scribe some of the craziest goals. As I write, “iPhone”, I tell myself “I’m really more of a Samsung guy”. As I write “14” after it, I tell myself “You don’t really need the latest and greatest do you?” . So I correct it to “13”, but then I hear, “You want something long-term! go big and sustain it for longer use”.

So now it’s a 13 vs. 14 fight going on in my head and the argument of whether I actually NEED the device is out the window.

This is not just the case with phones, but devices, laptops, houses, cars, and almost anything that we desire. My desire for greater and better things dies when I scroll through the NEWS channels and see economic crises, inflation, and political instability. Later, my desire for greater and better things shoots up when I scroll through Instagram and YouTube to see the latest and greatest in tech.

So now I know the problem! Firstly, it is scrolling a lifestyle that’s made for attention, not for living. Secondly, the absence of gratitude.

This year, I got myself so many things that I didn’t know I was praying for. The way I use them says a lot about how much I really wanted that stuff. If you want to express gratitude for the things you have, start by using them more purposefully.

If you’ve got a new phone, use it to spread messages of value and peace.

If you’ve got a new house, host your friends and family more often

If you’ve got a new car, give rides to passersby.

Gratitude doesn’t stop at being thankful, but it spreads towards expressing your thanks through acts of kindness.

Happy Thanksgiving!

