Anti vs. Pro: the BIG difference

Maarij Ahmed Khan
2 min readMar 9, 2021

“I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.” — Mother Teresa

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Confusing isn’t it? A few days ago, I was watching the documentary “The Secret” and this came up. The words “anti-war” and “peace” are pretty much the same thing…..

Except that it’s not!

What’s amusing is that although they carry the same meaning, the energy and vibe comes off differently. “Anti-war” gives a bit of hatred, anger vibe when “peace” gives a more hopeful, optimistic vibe.

If we look at a sport, say football, The coach always encourages his team to win, not to make the other team lose. They chant “we are champions” instead of “they will lose” and that sets a different level of empowerment.

Whether you exercise a sport or partake in a rally or not, this can work on your daily life and can help change your energy around you. Instead of delivering an “anti” feeling like “I am against bullying, I am against smoking”, you can resort to the “pro” strategy and educate people.

At the end of the day, it is a choice for a person to go with either. However, the “pro” strategy gives better realizations and encourages growth.

Try today!

